Electron beam lithography is a maskless form of lithography which is very popular in the research community, where the demand for high resolution and prototyping is ever increasing. In EBL, a beam of electrons is scanned in a patterned fashion across a sample covered with electron sensitive resist. Sub micrometer structures are created in the resist and subsequently transferred to the substrate material, for instance by etching. The resolution of electron beam lithography is not limited by the wavelenght of light as photolithography, but by other process parameter such as resist matrial and energy of the incomming electrons.The EBL setup at NTNU NanoLab is a Hitachi Field emitter 4300 SEM with state of the art EBL electronics from Raith. The laser inferometer stage enables stitching between write fields with less than a 20 nm shift. Masks are written in either Elphy plus software or AutoCAD. With the resist and processes at NTNU NanoLab, 30-40 nm structures should be feasible.
Sample Specifications:
Samples must not be any larger than 28×28 mm, or higher than 3 mm.